October 23, 2010 by
We are saddened to announce the passing of great lady, Joan Veon, a brilliant woman a staunch and vocal avocet of truth and liberty. Joan travelled the world at her own expense attending over 100 UN Conferences and reading thousands of UN documents to understand the agenda whereby she was able to expose the UN as a World Government and Agenda 21 Sustainable Development (global warming) promoted and supported by Prince Charles. It is unlikely we shall be graced by her kind again. Joan, you were dearly respected and you will be sadly and greatly missed….it was a privilege to have known you………The Namaste Team and Friends


 Devvy Kidd is amazing…What a fitting Tribute to Joan…

Hollie Greig – Press Notice

May 31, 2010 by

PRESS NOTICE From Robert Green, Wednesday 26 May 2010 The Hollie story continues…There has been a further attack on Robert Green, this time from outside Scotland. For reasons which cannot be disclosed the attack has been extended to Anne Greig, Hollie’s mother. No further information can be given at present for fear of prosecution. However, a time and place may be given in the near future. ENDS

GMC Witch Hunt against Dr Sarah Myhill

April 15, 2010 by

Dr Sarah Myhill MB BS, Upper Weston, Llangunllo, Knighton, Powys, UK LD7 1SL Tel: 01547 550 331 Fax: 01547 550 339 ___________________________________________________________________________ Friday April 9th Dear All Re: The GMC is about to withdraw my licence to practice On Thursday April 8th 2010 at 10am I was ordered by the GMC to attend a Hearing in Manchester on Monday April 12th with a view to withdrawing my licence to practice (Case Reference: PB/C1-314994282). One week ago I received a complaint about my website, to which I have yet to reply. However, on the basis of this unsubstantiated complaint by an anonymous complainant (I am told his name but not who he is), the GMC have decided that “there is a potential risk to public safety”. There are no specific allegations, I am not being allowed to defend myself against any such allegations, I may have to wait a further 18 months for such a hearing when my licence could then be restored, i.e. I am presumed guilty until I can prove my innocence. This is the opposite to normal English law. No patient has complained, no patient has been harmed and no patient has been put at any risk of harm. However, should I lose my licence, patients will certainly be put at risk of harm; partly because they will be denied access to medication essential to their well being, partly because they will lose access to tests and partly because I will be unable to support patients in applications for DLA and other such medico-legal issues. I have applied for a postponement on the grounds that the time scale is too short for me to appoint representation. The GMC’s normal practice is to give doctors seven days’ notice. PLEASE HELP! By *Emailing the GMC on Case Reference: PB/C1-314994282 *Faxing Mr Adam Elliott on 0207 189 5177 *Writing to Mr Paul Bridge, General Medical Council, 3 Hardman St, Manchester M3 3AW *Telephoning Mr Paul Bridge on 0161 923 6417 (however, I understand that the GMC will only consider representations made in writing) To say: That you find the website a helpful source of information; That your health will be put at risk if you are unable to avail yourself of my services as a doctor; Request to attend the Interim Order Panel meeting on 29th April 2010 at 10:30am if you are able to do so. You will need to reserve a place, either by phoning the GMC on 020 7189 5454 or by emailing the GMC Press Office at Press at GMC ( )to reserve a place. Request to attend a future Fitness to Practice Hearing to give evidence that you have been helped by information from my website. Ask the GMC to acknowledge your concerns. If my licence is withdrawn then I will continue to practise within the limitations laid down by the GMC. In reality my advice to patients will be unchanged, but I shall not be so empowered as to put in place all the interventions that so many patients have found helpful! Please, fight alongside me. I have to remain cool, calm, and collected in my dealings with the GMC, but you can get angry and emotional – so please do! I will keep you all updated on my website. Best wishes, Sarah Myhill Update afternoon of April 9th – the GMC have now postponed this initial Hearing to April 29th. Again I shall be asking them to postpone and will keep you all posted on the website.

Current Issue

February 21, 2010 by



Features Governance Not by Consent of the People: Treason has been Committed, John Gouriet

America: Freedom to Fascism” Star Sherry Jackson is Deprived of Essential Medical Care,

Historical Facts Exposing The Dangers and Ineffectiveness of Vaccines,

Agrarian Justice,  Thomas Paine

Apocalypse, No! – Global Warming Lies Exposed, Lord Christopher Monckton

World Conservation Bank: Fabian Influence Around the World, Jon Christian

The Connection between Magnesium and Cholesterol, Dr Carolyn Dean

Greg Caton, innocent U.S. Health Recearcher – Extradited Nazi Style from Equador, Cathryn Caton

21st Century Sustainable Development – Controlling All of Earth’s Resources, Joan Veon

Where the Global Warming Hoax was Born, Marjorie Hecht

A Bullet to the Head: Science of Vaccination, isn’t so Scientific After All, Dr Sherrie Tenpenny

The Devestating Truth About the Obama Plan, Jon Rappoport

British Business Woman Stands up to the European Parliament to Protect the Health Choice and Rights,

Open Letter to David Milliband, Nigel Johnson-Hill Open Letter to Corinne Le Quéré The Contributor to the UN on Climate Change (IPCC), Astra d’Oudney


January 30, 2010 by

Hey, Control System, I said do you hear the people sing?

No? Stick around, you will.

People of the UK ..write to your MP… help to FREE MAURCIE KIRK before the system destroys him

November 26, 2009 by


Maurce Kirk

Free Maurice Kirk


I have not found the original article of this case, but the following gives the unsavoury flavour of the depth of corruption. The second article goes into greater detail concerning official corruption in this case. It is time honourable Members of Parliament took up the baton and demand answers. The behaviour of police and the judiciary is typical of the Middle Ages, not of the 21st century!  P.


My Friend Maurice Kirk the flying vet on hunger strike

Project Camelot interviews Jane Burgermeister

October 27, 2009 by
For those who haven’t see this interview, it is a must see. Many will already have heard of Jane Burgermeister and her brave stance in filing the law suites against various high level world organisations. This includes the parma and bank cartels et al, these she has uncovered in her research, to be following an agenda. There has been and still are many other brave individuals who have gone out on a limb to warn the masses of the impending dangers for years, yet they are still not supported sufficiently or even indeed respected for their efforts, just ridiculed and refered to as being negative and conspiracy theorists. The biggest conspiracy is the conspiracy theory.

Therefore, those who could never see through the massive global pretence and deceptions, this is a wakeup call. Ignore it at your peril and that of ALL of whom you know. For if we do NOT make a stance, what is unravelling and what will befall us ALL, is beyond evil.
Project Camelot interviews Jane Burgermeister
Jane Burgermeister and her investigation regarding the flu vaccines, WHO and the criminal conduct of several companies and organisations. Here evidence is collected and presented which, according to Jane Burgermeister, reveals that there is a plan in action to reduce the world population by using contaminated vaccines. Jane Burgermeister shows that several international organisations are involved with this plan as are several international companies. Together these form a criminal syndicate which in secret intend to “save the planet” from what is considered harmful

Current Issue

July 24, 2009 by



Volume 11

Issue 2



The Final Destruction of Great Britain As A Sovereign, Independent and Self Governing Nation, David Bourne

Targeting Benefit Thieves,
The Namaste Team

The Resurection of Thomas Paine,
Bonnie Lang

Does Anyone Remember Tom Paine?, Robert L. Williams

NCI Study Links Aspartame To Leukemia and Lymphoma, Dr Betty Martini

Fabian Society Privatizarion of the World, Jon Christian

Prince Charles, the Sustainable Prince,
Joan Veon

Digital Switch-Over BY 2012. Why is This so Important?, Paul Sumro

Your Conversations Are Being Intercepted: The Truth About Project ECHELON,
Karl Fabricius

Land Grab, Monica Davie

Time To Get Out The Wheelbarrows? Another Look at the Weimar Hyperinflation, Ellen Brown

Who Owns the World?, Kevin Cahill

Life on the Edge of a Bubble – Blowing the American Dream; Bursting the Myth, Revealing the History of Power –
Film and Book Review, Carol Brouillet



True Stories

A Touch Humour

Tara’s Corner, Tara Wells

Best of HeroicStories – Carry On and Rise Above, Lindsay Larcombe

Reading Between the Lines

What You Do?

Volume 11 – Issue 1

March 23, 2009 by






The Passing of a Great Lady, Elisabeth Beckett (1924 – 2009) The Namaste Team

Elisabeth’s Last Letter to HM The Queen, Elisabeth Beckett

Treason Never Prospers. Know the Reason? If it Does, None Dare Call it Treason! David Bourne

Fluoridation of the Public Water Supply in North West England – Who Will Decide?, Dave Forrest

Coconut Oil: For a Healthy Heart, Dr Bruce Fife

The Fabian Society Five Year Plan, John Christian

Our Children are Dying, David Swallow

Global Implications of Sellafield – Irish Sea Coast Effect and Beyond, Leuren Moret

Global Pandemics of the 21st Century: Get Healthy and Stay Healthy, Dr Allison Ashley

We Must Be Blind, Catherine O’Driscol

World Government Isn’t Coming, It’s here! – Understanding World Events and the Credit Crisis, Joan Veon

Iodine: Bring Back the Universal Nutrient Medicine (Part 2 of 2) Mark Sircus

Common Purpose Across Europe, Ian Parker-Joesph



True Stories

A Touch Humour

Tara’s Corner and Book Review, Tara Wells

Best of HeroicS tories – A Lesson in Integrity, Lenore Hemming

Reading Between the Lines

What You Do?

Alexy Talimonov


Vol.11 Issue 1

We thank our readers and contributors for their patience in waiting for this issue. We apologise for the delay, however it impossible to publish sooner, due to the illness of one of our team. Carl’s mother had been battling ill health all last year and it finally came to a head in October when she became very ill. Carl was propelled into more action in trying to bring her back to health as she was diagnosed with cancer. Despite all he knew and all he tried, he had to watch his mother die from this ravaging illness… she was amazingly strong right to the end. Our battle ended on the 26th December…. the funeral took place in mid-January. for Carl this was a very difficult time and we, his team, were there to love and support him during the days before and after the funeral. Maria was a strong, brave and vital woman filled with old-world wisdom and knowledge who was loved dearly by all and she is greatly missed. This is the concluding part of a tribute from a friend. …Maria was a beautiful woman and she lived a long, full and healthy life. Although her time with us on Earth has come to an end, her noble spirit and the seeds of knowledge she planted live on in her family and friends. I feel privileged to have known her, for she touched me deeply and inspired me with her profound and practical wisdom. Farewell Maria. May your spirit soar to ever-greater adventures and new heights of learning; I trust that in the journey of our souls, our paths will meet up somewhere along the lines of time and that I shall see you again. With love and gratitude for your friendship, your friend, Barbara Marciniak – USA

Whilst there are people still here like Maria and Elisabeth Beckett see page 6, we have hope. The energy of the wise Crone has never been destroyed, despite the brutal efforts of Church and State. Both women died of cancer, but remained in control of their lives without the intervention of the cancer cartel and fought right to the end. Upon hearing that Elisabeth was gravely ill, Carl took a train in the early hours one cold morning in January, to see her, taking her important medicine which he was unable to give his mother. This medicine kept Elisabeth alive for a further three weeks, in which time, her determined and indomitable spirit was able to fire another shot across the bows of the establishment. Carl thanked her for all she had done for the people of this nation and she thanked him for putting her on the map. Sadly, she passed away in January. Elisabeth had a profound knowledge of the constitution and our ancient laws given to us by our ancestors to protect us from tyranny, these have been and are being destroyed using deceit and blatant lies under the guise of protecting us, this made her determined to make a stance for the truth. See our tribute page 6.

In the article TREASON NEVER PROSPERS… written by ex- Squadron Leader David Bourne, the reader is given a whole new perspective on treason and its insidious effect upon this country and its people. One major effect is the constant attempts by our government to enforce the medication of our drinking water supply with a poisonous substance known as fluoride, see page 13. Recently the people of Southampton voted with their Council against fluoridation only to be bulldozed and over-ridden by the Strategic Health Authority. An attempt to poison by stealth. Who will protect us as they try to enforce a part II poison into our water supplies, area by area? Our Sovereign, Elizabeth, has broken her Coronation Oath to protect our laws and customs when she gave her Royal Assent to the last legitimate Bill, the ECA72, from the two Houses of Parliament in 1972 when she surrendered the Sovereignty of the British People to the EU – a FACIEST STATE.

The control is so encompassing and ingeniously orchestrated, with precision, directed through the education system, entertainment industry, medical profession and other quasi EU bodies such as Common Purpose. Even Doctors (are unwittingly, due to their training)using manipulative language patterns and codes that are extremely powerful in shaping thoughts, beliefs and even vocabularies of people. These codes are not only in spoken language but when combined with images, are capable of reaching deep into the collective psyche. These stimulate the brain and block the mind. This is what digital TV is all about; it is certainly not for improved our benefit! Recently we saw an advert on the TV which stated “There is a new technology, you won’t know its there, its called High Definition TV” – the ‘programmer’ in the corner of the living room. Digital switch over has profound implications for the collective consciousness and liberty of the individual mind, contrary to the false mantra predictions of 2012 with raise in consciousness and thus a New World. This is another half-truth. We are certain it will herald the coming of the robotic mind and he potential to imprison and destroy the uniqueness of individual thought and creativity, with this a New World Order will come into being, this is its true meaning.

In the heartbreaking article by David Swallow, which shames the USA – whilst the world applauds the Washington messiah wearing a new mask, whilst the real owners of America, are committing suicide. The once proud Lakota Nation are impoverished, abandoned, their despairing children are now sliding into the Abyss, page 25.

All articles in Namaste express in different ways, the development and awareness of freedom of thought; this is encapsulated in the views of Tara, (whom we welcome back) who takes us beyond his-story. We have for sometime been reporting about the elite’s agenda, now revealing itself as they deliberately create chaos to bring about a new order. which has never been more evident. Joan Veon’s article states what appears to be inevitable “In order to bring in world government, it will have to be through crisis-continuing, constant crises”. This keeps us in a constant fight or flight mode triggering a stress hormone response, see page 38. Do we continue to turn our heads and look the other way, handing over our collective responsibility, believing in the powers that pretend that they have the answers and are caring for us? Nothing could be further from the truth. First we must collectively get up off our fat, lazy, complacent backsides and walk away from the programming which seduces us into slavery whilst we are given the illusion of freedom.

Danger looms ahead, as they continue to manipulate, massage the global economy and financial institutions into collapse. People will be encouraged to riot. Beware, it is a trap, don’t do it! This will play right into the hands of the world controllers; this is exactly what they want in order to bring about Marshall Law. Deluge your MP’s with letters of complaint, it is unacceptable to expect someone else to save us, we are the messiah, there is no one but us.

In the ancient mysteries, the crone walked unafraid into the darkness of death and emerged as the virgin who gave new life. Behave like slaves and yea shall be slaves. Maria and Elisabeth epitomised a fearlessness, an energy that never would give into intimidation nor oppression. When people say “What can I do?”, be like they were, be yourself.

“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act”. ~ George Orwell

The Namaste Team

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About Namaste Magazine

February 24, 2009 by



“The true seeker of knowledge naturally strives for truth,
and is not content with common opinion,
but soars with undimmed and unwearied passion
until he grasps the essential nature of things…”


Plato’s Republic 490b, translated from the original Greek



Namaste, a UK quarterly magazine, also available in North America and by subscription worldwide. Our intention is to provide our readers who have a strong desire to seek the truth, with a diverse collection of thought-provoking and inspiring material. We hope this will encourage you to pause for a moment, and consider other possibilities, as, like Alice in Wonderland, we look under stones and behind the curtain, searching for OUR story – HER-story, revealing the layers of deception in which humanity for centuries has been enveloped.



We Ask: 

  • Have humans made progress – have we truly evolved?
  • Can we spot media disinformation or hidden agenda?
  • Where did we come from?
  • Where are we going and why?
  • Are you happy with the theories proferred so far?
  • Compulsory education has only served to increase our ignorance and fragment our minds
